Saturday, April 10, 2010

Fate 1

Wild Tangent's Fate is either an offline version of Flagship Studios' MMO Mythos, or a graphics-updated version of Diablo; I'm not sure quite which. There is scant difference between the two to begin with, a fact that amused and consternated fans of Blizzard's top-down click-and-slash adventure game. At the time, Mythos was thought of as the closest that Diablo fans would get to a true Diablo MMO -- not surprising, since several members of the original Diablo development team founded Flagship Studios. At least, until Mythos get closed down before it even had a chance to crawl out of veta.

Like it or laugh at it, however, the one thing that Mythos proved was that people still love that particular type of gameplay. This is a point in the favor of Fate: now that it's nearly impossible to play either of the Diablo games on OS X without jumping through some arduous hoops, if you're in dire need of an isometric dungeon crawl, then Fate is your game.
(file size 164.11MB)
download link:

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